Postnatal Osteopathy
in the City of London

Postnatal Osteopathy in the City of London
Pregnancy and child birth can affect your body, emotionally, physically and physiologically.
After birth, with your time devoted to the newborn, it is difficult to know when or what type of therapy to choose. However, it is really important to also prioritise your own health during the relentless time.
At our City of London practice, our women’s health osteopaths specialise in treating and providing recovery support for many childbirth related conditions including: episiotomy, pelvic pain, incontinence and prolapse, painful menstruation, and caesarean section scar pain. We can help you regain your confidence, strength and physical fitness after the birth.
What to Expect from Postnatal Osteopathy
A postnatal osteopathic appointment includes a complete physical assessment to understand the patterns of pain, answer any questions to allay any concerns and provide a treatment plan specifically tailored to your recovery. Treatment can include; realignment, stretches and postnatal exercises to ensure a complete recovery.
A Holistic Osteopathic Approach
Osteopaths understand the interconnected, holistic nature of your health, treating each aspects to achieve full postnatal recovery.
Alignment is key, after 9 months of pregnancy, where your body adapts daily to a growing baby, finding physical rebalance in the immediate postnatal period is essential. Not only does your body have a new centre of gravity, but it must cope with the demands of new activities, such as feeding, carrying, lifting, pushing a buggy. Furthermore, after 9 months of pregnancy, pelvic floor and abdominal muscles may be tired.
Alignment is the initial step for returning these muscles to their normal function. A stacked, aligned body, enables weak muscles to activate, rather than remain dormant. Osteopathy ensures the body can handle the new demands by unlocking muscles and relieving tensions. After fixing the alignment, the focus switches to strengthening postural muscles to further your progress.
We can further support you through the postnatal period by suggesting stretches, exercises and tips for your daily activities such as posture feeding and handholds.