Cranial Osteopathy in Oxford

Cranial Osteopathy Treatment in Oxford
Cranial osteopathy is a type of treatment modality of Osteopathy. It is a more subtle and gentle type of technique which can be a treatment in itself or combined with the other techniques. It is a great therapy for babies and patients who are acute, pregnant, stressed or just prefer a gentler approach. It is similar to the cranio-sacral therapy but with osteopathic principles.
The aim of cranial osteopathy is to connect on a deeper level with the body and affect the nervous system as well as fascial connections. The osteopath is trained specifically in this modality to be able to pick up these subtle tensions and patterns. The practitioner’s hands are often placed on the head (cranium) or tailbone as well as other parts to feel the rhythm of the patient’s tissues. Gentle pressure is applied to release tensions in the body.
It is a very efficient treatment for babies and children as it is not invasive or demanding. This is a very calming technique which can be very useful for many patients.