Mummy MOTs
in Oxford

Mummy MOT in Oxford
We are very pleased to provide Mummy MOT’s in Oxford. But what is a mummy MOT?
Mummy MOT is a program designed by physiotherapist Maria Elliot comprising a complete postnatal check.
Suitable for women following both vaginal and C-section deliveries, It is a specialised postnatal examination.
The Mummy MOT not only covers your general recovery after childbirth, but also covers posture, pelvic floor and stomach muscles.
The consultation lasts 1 hour and comprises a thorough case history and physical assessment including a postural screen, pelvic floor assessment and abdominal muscle separation check. Treatment is combined with a tailored exercise program to take home, which is designed to strengthen and aid recovery to full fitness whatever your individual goals may be.
During the follow up session, we offer advice on safe activities, postural education for routine daily activities and guidance for returning to exercise. Our clients receive a bespoke rehabilitation programme to fit your lifestyle and your specific goals.
Every women is different, every birth experience is different and we are here to listen and support you through your recovery.