Ultra X wadi Rum with Osteo Adventures

Ultra X wadi Rum with Osteo Adventures image of...

I wanted to celebrate this amazing adventure I had not only as an osteopath but as a human! It was 2 years ago and how lucky to have done it before the pandemic hit and everything was put to a halt.

The race was organised by ultra-x in the beautiful wadi rum desert in Jordan.


I have to share this beautiful scenery as I believe it is one of the most beautiful I have seen so far. what a setting for a race! We would sleep outside on the sand or on those huge rocks and go to sleep looking at the stars and wake up with the sunrise (or sometimes even before!).

Wadi rum sunset

It’s 250km in 5 days with a maximum elevation of 2522 meters and temperatures between 26-34o. What incredible people to take on such a challenge!

I went as part of osteo adventures a group of osteopaths led by Kieran Lowe to help the runners throughout the race.

Osteo adventures team Base camp treatments

https://osteoadventures.com/ https://justonebody.com

Our care ranged from mobilisation techniques, sports massage, stretching, advice, strapping, managing injuries to filling up bottles, supplying electrolytes and cheering on!

Treatment after race Taping3 Treatment checkpoint 1

I learnt a lot in the space of one week and it was a different approach to the osteopathy I practice in clinic. As these runners were already trained and prepped for the race, I had to treat one day at a time, helping them cope with one run at a time. Whereas in clinic, I am involved in the training process therefore I can work on improving biomechanics creating change and optimising their training and strengthening. During the race, you do not want to alter and shift their mechanics too much to not hinder or even create new demands on their body. They have to be able to go in autopilot for such long distances!

Top athlete ultra x

What fascinated me the most was the gathering of amazing people: individuals from all parts of the world, all ages and all levels of training taking on this huge challenge. Some are professionals, some are amateurs, some run for a personal challenge, some for a cause. No matter what their reason was, they were all gathered for one same goal. I admire the physical and inner strength and determination of the runners. Everyone had their set backs, their obstacles and their demons to overcome to arrive to the finish line.

It really showed me that if you set your mind to it you can do it. Do no limit yourself!